Lies, Lying and Liars
Currently, we are in the astrological sign of Scorpio, or Pluto energies. Scorpio can represent the ‘hidden’ or unseen underworld of our own realities. This would be an excellent time to look at what we have kept hidden from ourselves and of course others.
Where Are We Now?
Astrology has always fascinated me, and as a young child, I was besotted with looking at the stars and planets on a nightly basis. I would look out of my window and watch the sky moving and changing and it was only many years later that I took a short course to understand the basics of astrology.
Awakening To Crisis
Have you noticed that your outer world is resonating with your awareness of self? In other words, what is happening in your external reality is a direct reflection of your inner world of thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
The Illusion Comes Crumbling Down
“A new world is upon us; nothing remains the same. Not your work life, your financial life, your love life. All of it is changing. You cannot stop it.”
Powerful Portal - 18 January 22
Do you feel like time is flying and at the same time you are losing track of the days, and weeks, finding it difficult to grasp what has come to pass?